GEMSWORLD | 8 | 2019/20 INSIGHTS Gemstone sector grows from strength to strength 有价有市的彩色宝石 The love for coloured gemstones dates to centuries ago when royal families and connoisseurs from around the globe collected these natural treasures. Over the decades, the value of natural coloured gemstones continued to appreciate, with exceptional gems breaking record prices at auctions. According to a study by Knight Frank, coloured gems have outperformed other luxury products in terms of prices, including diamonds and the wider jewellery market. JNA talked to auction experts and major gemstone suppliers about growth prospects in the market. 自古以来,天然彩色宝石因其独有的瑰丽与稀有特质, 令各地收藏人士趋之若鹜,色泽亮丽、璀璨夺目的顶级宝石更是绝顶难求, 多年来在世界各地的高级珠宝拍卖会上以破纪录飙价成交。 有国际调研报告指彩色宝石近年的价格升幅凌厉,增长速度已超越无色钻石及一般珠宝等多种奢侈品。 《JNA亚洲珠宝》走访数大拍卖行驻香港珠宝部主管以及国际宝石商, 了解他们对彩色宝石当前市况与未来发展的看法。 | Christie Dang 邓欣欣 | This platinum ring with a 34.40-carat hexagon-shaped emerald and diamonds by Harry Winston sold for US$996,500 at Sotheby’s New York in April 2017 海瑞·温斯顿祖母绿镶钻石铂金指环,镶以34.40克拉 六角型祖母绿,于苏富比纽约2017年4月拍卖会上以 996,500美元售出