GEMSWORLD | 32 | 2019/20 THE SOURCE A thousand turns in Mogok: A gem expedition 百转千回去摩谷 - 探访红宝石之乡 A team of 40 gemmologists and gem traders, led by gemmologist Kennedy Ho, ventured into a field expedition in Mogok, Myanmar – a legendary source of the world’s most sought-after rubies and sapphires. It was an adventure, thanks to the potentially perilous one thousand or so turns on the snaky mountain roads to Mogok. A pilgrimage for gemmologists, the trip was also a humbling experience: Discovering the history of and mining difficulties in Mogok while understanding its future, and getting to know the hidden treasure behind the gems – the people of Mogok. 由40名宝石学家和宝石商组成的宝石学实地考察团, 在世界著名宝石学家Kennedy Ho带领下,到缅甸北部的传奇山谷摩谷(Mogok)进行探访。 摩谷出产世界上最受欢迎的红宝石、蓝宝石和其他宝石。 这是一场探险,不但要面对途中蜿蜒山路上千个急转弯带来的潜在危险, 而且有反政府武装、谋财害命和绑架勒索等令人不安的报道。 对宝石学家来说,这是一次朝圣,是荡涤心灵的旅程,能从根本上了解宝石的地理产地和历史, 感受采矿之艰难、摩谷活跃的市场和未知的未来。 | Julius Zheng 郑嵘 | Sunset view from Daw Nan Kyi Hill – 5,277 feet above sea level and the highest peak in Mogok. | 从海拔5277英尺的Daw Nan Kyi山(摩谷最高峰) 看日落。照片由郑嵘提供