GEMSWORLD | 30 | 2019/20 INTELLIGENCE Moving forward with synthetic gems 迈向合成宝石新世代 With gem-quality natural stones becoming scarcer in larger quantities and jewellery pieces being viewed more as fashionable items than heirlooms, gemstone dealer Inter-Pacific Holdings Ltd said the industry must move toward the use of lab-grown gems. 天然的宝石不但供应有限,且品质参次。 随着时尚饰品日渐普及,珠宝的功能已不再局限于保值或作为传家之物。 宝石商泛洋控股有限公司认为,珠宝市场正走向合成宝石发展新世代。 | Sze Man Young 杨诗敏 | Hong Kong-based gemstone trader Inter-Pacific Holdings Ltd started selling synthetic gems in the late 1970s. According to the company, quality lab-grown emeralds, opals, rubies, sapphires, alexandrite stones, moissanites and diamonds have been marketed as “created” gems since the 1980s. Louis Lo, managing director of Inter-Pacific, said the company is launching a new variant of its Biron® labgrown emeralds, which bears the coveted green colour of Colombian emeralds. These synthetic gems are grown using the mineral beryl as a component, noted Lo. Emerald is a member of the beryl family. Biron® emeralds have been in the market for quite some time but it was only recently that these were made available in the Colombian emerald colour. These lab-grown emeralds offer consumerswithanalternative, whicharemoreaffordable but equally stunning, remarked the company official. Since Biron® emeralds are grown using natural beryl, they bear the same physical and optical properties as natural emeralds, including hardness, density, refractive index and chemical composition, claimed Lo. Lab-grown emeralds and diamonds enjoy a strong following among consumers, with 1-carat to 2-carat stones moving the fastest, he added. The company is also bent on further improving its business through partnerships. “We are seeking to sell lab-grown gemstones via strategic partners in different countries,” continued Lo. 泛洋控股有限公司早于七十年代已经营高品质的合成宝 石,包括祖母绿、红宝石、欧泊、刚玉、亚历山大宝石及合 成钻石等。近年,技术的发展让实验室培植宝石的质量进一 步提该 高公 。司除了供应一系列原石及各种已琢磨之半宝石或人 造宝石外,近年更推出高品质的实验室培植祖母绿Biron®, 属于绿柱石的品种,拥有与天然祖母绿无异的物理特性及化 学成份,包括其硬度、比重及折射率。 泛洋控股有限公司董事总经理卢益新表示,实验室培植祖 母绿Biron®已推出一段时间,近期更提供哥伦比亚祖母绿色 泽的顶级实验室培植祖母绿,为市场提供高品质且价格合理 的产品。祖母绿与红宝石和蓝宝石是宝石界三大传统宝石, 一直广受买家欢迎。在高品质的合成宝石中,市场尤其对1至 2克拉的宝石需求甚殷,因宝石的尺寸大小皆适合制作日常 佩戴或出席宴会的珠宝。 他强调,实验室培植祖母绿的生产过程符合环保要求,且 亦是消费者越来越看重的元素;公司期望通过在不同国家物 色合作伙伴,将实验室培植祖母绿推广到更多市场。 Biron® lab-grown emeralds are grown using natural beryl as a component Biron®实验室培植祖母绿 以天然绿柱石为原料