GEMSWORLD | 21 | 2019/20 精辟洞见 来自广东省汕尾市的范小彬身兼香港海丰商会常务副会 长及东维亚集团国际有限公司董事长,早年从事物业投 资、地产建筑及酒店等行业,包括专业开展内地珠宝产业园 等大型发展专案,由此深化了对宝石产业的认识,近几年业 务拓展至宝石原材料贸易及珠宝国际工贸城,产业链条覆盖 香港及粤东汕尾海丰两地宝石业多个环节。 对行业充满信心 拥有丰富营商经验的范小彬认为,清晰的营商理念与企业 定位是成功关键。范会长决意秉承珠宝商前辈的宝贵经验, 加入新时代的活力,进一步巩固商会及宝石业整体的长足发 展。他强调:“业界必须抓紧各类宝石丰富的文化与历史内 涵,透过具影响力的专业媒体将各种天然资源的精彩故事传 开,为宝石业开拓多元商机。” 一直以来,范小彬对宝石商会的工作极具信心,并表示自 从创会永远名誉会长黄达华先生于2005年成立商会以来, 除了在大中华区内建立稳健基础,在海外亦有一定影响力。 会内同行不单各自拥有优秀业务,更大力支持与承担商会及 行业发展,业者间多年来相互协作的团结精神为行业注入强 大正能量。范会长称他的首要任务,是坚持这优良的传统,整 合资源,发挥商会作为公共平台的专业角色,与各主要市场 的相关部门建立紧密合作关系,鼓励并协助会员将业务扩展 至更多具发展潜力的新市场。 市场前瞻 范小彬明白,各年代均有不同的市场特色趋势,要与时具 进,就行业前沿发展拟定最适切的营商策略,才能为行业整 体带来更加可观的效益。 虽然中美贸易战给全球经济带来了一定的影响,社会气候 也千变万化,但范小彬深信,大湾区前景无限,将香港国际金 融中心的角色与新时代中国经济发展结合,有助于进一步加 强两地宝石业界在人才、采购、设计、宣传与行销方面的竞争 力,在全球珠宝市场上发挥更强实力。 Newly appointed Hong Kong Gemstone Manufacturers’ Association (HKGMA) President Fan Xiao Bin was actively involved in the real estate, construction and hotel businesses before entering the gemstone industry. He acquired his gemstone knowledge and expertise through the development of mega projects such as gem manufacturing and trading centres in his home town of Shanwei in eastern Guangdong province, which is home to the country’s major gemstone trading hub. What is your assessment of the gemstone market in Greater China? Ever since our Honourary Life Founding President Wong Tai Wah established the association in 2005, we have been led by men with a great vision and members have been united by a clear mission: To collectively build a better business environment for the entire gemstone industry, and to further strengthen the competitiveness of Hong Kong gemstone dealers so we can tap new business opportunities. With unwavering support from our members and the industry, we will continue to carry out this mission. I am confident that we can achieve even greater results in the years to come. Please share with us your top priorities as new HKGMA president. The magnitude of and readiness for economic development in the Greater Bay areas are immense, with the rapid development of China’s economy and infrastructure in recent decades. The area has developed into an ideal platform for both gemstone suppliers who need to establish a large-scale manufacturing base for production, and for jewellery wholesalers and retailers to expand their sales network. Furthermore, the close proximity between Hong Kong as an international financial hub and cities in the southern part of China provides great synergy. It will certainly benefit the gemstone industry in the whole region. I am optimistic about the long-term development of the gemstone sector especially in the Greater China region. Our mission is to collectively build a better business environment for the entire gemstone industry.