Equipment & Supplies Directory 2025

珠宝业设备及用品供应商名录 2025 | 23 PRODUCT PROFILE 产品介绍 Yuen Kee Ho Gold Jewelry Accessories Co Ltd 润记号金饰珠宝配件有限公司 Unit Q1C, G/F, Kaiser Estate, Phase 3, 18 Man Lok Street, Hung Hom, Hong Kong 香港九龙红磡民乐街18号凯旋工商中心3期地下Q1C铺 Tel 电话: (852) 25420941 Email 电邮: [email protected] Website 网址: Person-in-charge 负责人: Ms Eva CHEUNG 张君丽小姐, Chairman 董事长 Yuen Kee Ho Gold Jewelry Accessories Co Ltd (YKA), established in 1983, specialises in the production of jewellery findings in a wide selection of sizes, designs and precious metal fineness. It also provides customised services for clients‘ specific designs. Highly sought after in the market for decades, YKA pieces are favoured by jewellery manufacturers for their quality assurance. The company is renowned for its varied, high-quality jewellery findings and its exceptional customer service. Moreover, it continually innovates and develops different types of products to adapt to rapidly changing market trends. YKA promotes its offerings not only in Hong Kong but also in mainland China and overseas. Its main customers are jewellery manufacturers and retailers, as well as small jewellery workshops and individual consumers from different age groups. Backed by solid experience and expertise, YKA is capable of designing an extensive range of products to keep pace with the times, respond to market needs and provide customers of all ages with innovative designs. Its best-selling items are fashionable jewellery findings. These include earring accessories; chain clasps; brooch pins; settings; necklaces in pure gold, karat-gold and platinum; and its recently launched Hollow Tube Collection. A successful collaboration between YKA‘s R&D team and its skilled craftsmen, products from the Hollow Tube Collection such as bangles, earrings and adjustable beads are lighter and more comfortable to wear. The company welcomes enquiries from wholesalers and retailers. 润记号金饰珠宝配件有限公司(YKA)于1983年创办,专营珠宝首饰 配件,并提供不同贵金属成色、尺寸和设计以供选择;也因应客人的 要求,提供独特设计及订制产品。 YKA的配件产品在行内畅销数十年,深受珠宝厂商的青睐,主要原因是产 品多年来都是高品质的保证。 YKA以优质、多样化的产品和热诚待客的服务为经营宗旨,在业内有口皆 碑。公司在专营领域保持高质产出的同时,仍保持创新求变,不断扩展产 品类别,以迎合市场需要。 YKA除了专注香港地区本地市场的产品推广外,亦积极开拓中国内地及 海外市场。其主要客户是珠宝生产商和零售商,还有小型首饰工厂和不同 年龄层的客人。该公司贯彻与时并进的精神,并凭借丰富的经验和专业 知识,设计出各款满足市场需求的产品,为不同年龄层的顾客提供创新的 设计。 该公司最畅销的产品是各类时尚流行的首饰配件,包括耳环配件、链 扣、胸针扣、镶口、足金、K金和铂金颈链,还有近期推出的“空心管系列”。 该系列是研发团队和工匠们通力合作的结晶,包括手镯、耳环和调节珠子 等等。空心设计令首饰更轻盈,佩戴时更舒适。欢迎批发及零售客户来电 谘询。 YUEN KEE HO GOLD JEWELRY ACCESSORIES offers expansive array of findings 润记号金饰珠宝配件产品包罗万有