Equipment & Supplies Directory 2023

珠宝业设备及用品供应商名录 2023 | 15 PRODUCT PROFILE 产品介绍 Umicore Galvanotechnik GmbH Klarenbergstrasse 53-79, Schwaebisch Gmuend, 73525, Germany 德国 Tel 电话: (49) 7171 607211 Fax 传真: (49) 7171 607316 Website 网址: Email 电邮: [email protected] Person-in-charge 负责人: Mr Thomas ENGERT, Managing Director 董事总经理 Contact person 联络人: Mr Thilo KUHN, Sales & Marketing Director 营业及市场推广部董事 UMICORE : The electroplating specialist 优美科 : 电镀技术材料专家 Umicore Electroplating develops, produces and sells solutions for electroplating. Its focus lies on a comprehensive product portfolio of precious metal and base metal alloy electrolytes for technical, functional and decorative applications. The portfolio also includes precious metal compounds and electrocatalytic anodes and cathodes. The product range for the deposition of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium and precious metal alloys is brought to the market with the trade names, AURUNA®, ARGUNA®, PLATUNA®, PALLUNA®, RHODUNA® and RUTHUNA®. When it comes to robust and economical intermediate or final coatings. Umicore's ruthenium (RUTHUNA®) trumps palladium, which had been the preferred material to date, in all relevant properties. The newly developed, pH neutral ruthenium electrolytes enable light and dark coatings that can be directly applied to a wide range of materials, comparable to palladium. RUTHUNA® also impresses with a higher abrasion resistance, sustainable production and a price advantage of up to 50 per cent. Meanwhile, the new RHODUNA® PT ONE is unique in Umicore’s portfolio in many respects. Like its big brother RHODUNA® PT, the ONE variant is an economical alternative for pure rhodium. RHODUNA® PT ONE is however designed for small batches, and the metal content is reduced to one gram per liter. This allows for extremely economical rhodium plating, starting with the first liter of electrolyte – and with almost constant layer properties. Additional benefits include easy handling thanks to a simple work area and reducing necessary components to an absolute minimum – apart from the initial concentrate, only water is required for electrolyte makeup. Within Umicore Group, Umicore Galvanotechnik GmbH in Schwaebisch Gmuend controls and manages the worldwide activities of the Business Line Electroplating. This incorporates production and service platforms not only in Europe but also in Southeast Asia, China, Japan and South America. The international sales and service network of Umicore Electroplating consists of independent agencies with electroplating specialists, warehouses and laboratories. A list with the addresses of subsidiaries and representatives is available on the company’s website Umicore Electroplating 开发、制造并销售电镀工艺,主要针对贵金属 和非贵金属合金电镀液于技术性、功能性和饰面工艺的应用方案。 我司的产品还有贵金属复合材料,电镀用阳极和阴极。 镀金、银、铂、钯、铑、钌和贵金属合金的电镀添加剂,其注册商标分 别为: AURUNA®、ARGUNA®、 PLATUNA®、PALLUNA®、RHODUNA®和 RUTHUNA®。 优美科 (Umicore) 出产的钌 (RUTHUNA®)作为中间或表面镀层物料,耐用度 高而且合乎经济效益,在各方面均比以往常用的钯更出色。全新研发的中性 pH值钌电解液可以电镀出浅色或深色效果,并能直接镀于各种物料上,表 现媲美钯金属。RUTHUNA® 耐磨耐用,亦以可持续的方式生产,更拥有高 达50%的价格优势。 此外,全新推出的优美科RHODUNA® PT ONE电解液在多方面一枝独秀。 正如主要产品 RHODUNA® PT一样,ONE 版本是纯铑以外的经济之选。 RHODUNA® PT ONE 专为小规模电镀而设,金属含量减至每公升1克,令镀 铑工序从首1公升起已能节省更多成本,镀层效果亦相当稳定。其他优点还 包括易于处理,以及将所需成分减至最低——只需为产品加水,便能调制出 合适的电镀液。 优美科集团旗下的 Umicore Galvanotechnik GmbH 位于德国施韦比施格明 德 (Schwaebisch Gmuend),负责操作和管理全球有关电镀业务的活动。业 务遍及欧洲、东南亚、中国、日本及南美洲等地。 我们的国际销售团队和服务网络,包括独立的代理商,他们拥有富经验的电 镀专家、独立仓库和化验室,能提供全方位的服务。想进一步了解我们的分 部和代办事处,可浏览我们的网页