JWA 2021 Jewellery Industry Best Practices

72 | Jewellery World Awards 2021 A premier designer and manufacturer of diamond- studded jewellery, Arina Jewellery has the distinction of consistently increasing its yearly profits by at least 100 percent since 2018. More importantly, the company was able to protect its workforce in the time of COVID-19. These, among other things, stem from the sound, decisive and compassionate leadership of its Managing Partner, Nilesh Pawar. “Arina’s growth is a result of visionary leadership and a sterling reputation when it comes to quality. Both have helped us gain the appreciation of the industry,” says Pawar, who launched his business in Mumbai in 2016. The brand provides customised and quality jewellery to clients from at least 17 countries and regions, including the United States, the European Union, United Kingdom, Australia and the Middle East. CORE STRENGTHS From Day One, Pawar has been a pivotal force in cementing Arina’s success. He built solid foundations for his enterprise by implementing best business practices and ensuring that precious metals and raw materials are sourced in an ethical, organised and transparent manner. To meet the capital-intensive demands of his business, Pawar monitors fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, which often affect those in the import/export sector. This helps the company procure gold, diamonds and similar materials at strategic points in time, which contributes to its fiscal stability. The entrepreneur also puts a premium on communicating effectively with employees, rewarding exceptional members of the team, addressing performance and management issues head on, hiring the right people, delegating authority and guarding cash flow. Nilesh Pawar Arina Jewellery CATEGORY: Young Entrepreneur of the Year (age 40 and below) COUNTRY / REGION: INDIA 1