JWA 2021 Jewellery Industry Best Practices
64 | Jewellery World Awards 2021 KGK Group CATEGORIES: As one of the world’s leading mines-to-market businesses powered by a 12,000-strong workforce, the KGK Group proves that while it could be challenging, well-structured companies can quickly adapt, pivot and achieve growth in times of crisis. MANUFACTURER OF THE YEAR While the pandemic was rife with obstacles, it came with its fair share of opportunities. “Amidst the outbreak of COVID-19, consumers started to perceive diamonds more as an investment rather than a mere keepsake. This shift has contributed to an increased demand for heavier and more expensive pieces,” says Sanjay Kothari, Vice Chairman of KGK Group. To meet these demands, KGK constructed a modern manufacturing unit in Saurimo, Angola and another US$8-million site in Botswana. It also expanded its facility in Namibia by 500sqm to accommodate more workers and boost production. Moreover, these projects brought much-needed job opportunities to these countries. However, managing these facilities comes with its own challenges, especially after Africa and Russia reported a lack in skilled workers. “Fortunately, we have an ‘Entrepreneur Development Programme,’ which aims to train the youth in these regions. One of this initiative’s goals is to provide opportunities for skills training and support the development of sustainable livelihoods in the communities where we operate,” says Kothari. Alongwith thesephysical expansions, KGKmodernised its equipment. It rolled out highly developed technologies including the Galaxy and Sarin Software Version-7, Nishtha, Synova DCS-50 and Green Laser machinery in its processing sites. “We also introduced Optimus 1.1 and 1.2 in place of Sarva to further enhance accuracy Manufacturer of the Year Outstanding Enterprise of the Year – APAC COUNTRY / REGION: HONG KONG 1
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