JNA Awards 2012 Jewellery Industry Best Practices

19 JNA AWARDS 2012 Authorised by the State Council, the Shanghai Diamond Exchange (SDE) is the transaction platform for the import and export of diamonds in Mainland China. The only diamond exchange in the country, it enjoys a favourable taxation policy and operates in accordance with the international practices of the diamond industry. Established in 2000, SDE is a non-profit, self-regulating membership organisation and a member of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses. MESSAGE FROM SDE Tonight we celebrate the JNA Awards 2012. This exciting and much-awaited event will surely help elevate the jewellery industry to even greater heights. I wish to take this opportunity to pay tribute to my senior industry colleagues and friends. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude and good wishes to all the honourees who have impressed us with their great achievements and creativity. Shanghai Diamond Exchange is a national platform for diamond import and export in Mainland China. We are honoured to be part of the inaugural JNA Awards ceremony. We should all work – in a very constructive and positive fashion – to create the best possible conditions in which the jewellery sector can truly excel. Our common goal is to add value to the entire sector and to our communities. MR LIN QIANG President and Managing Director Shanghai Diamond Exchange Honoured Partner