JNA May/ June 2024

DESIGN 设计 22 | JNA May/June 2024 Jewellery reflects the eclectic nature of modern existence, seeking balance in the classics while embracing creativity in ingenious designs. The timeless sophistication of diamonds and the stability of gold and gems offer solace, while edgier designs, led by captivating gem-studded statement earrings, stunning lariats and transformable wonders, radiate strength and renewed inspirations. 珠宝反映了现代人不拘一格的生 活态度,既在经典设计中寻求平 衡,也在巧妙的设计中拥抱创意。 钻石的隽永精致、黄金和宝石的 稳定性予人慰藉。而前卫独特的 设计则散发着力量和灵感, 尤其是镶嵌宝石且富造型感的 耳环、亮丽的套索式项链 和可转换式珠宝。 优雅大气 Bold Elegance 1 2