JNA May/ June 2024

FOCUS 焦点 10 | JNA May/June 2024 Colours are all the rage in the jewellery industry, with fancy colour diamonds enjoying steady market demand. International brands like Bulgari, Graff and Tiffany, to name a few, have successfully placed fancy colour diamonds on the map of the most coveted luxury products over the years. As such, these diamonds are now viewed as prized possessions and a store of wealth. They likewise rule in auction circles. Five of the topperforming jewellery pieces at 2023 auctions were adorned with fancy colour diamonds, specifically blues and pinks. According to industry players, consumers’ love affair with fancy colour diamonds is fuelled by their desire for change – from previously owning white diamond jewellery to infusing colour and variety in their fine jewellery collections. Also driving the continued ascent of fancy colour diamonds as go-to luxury items are younger people who place greater value on personal expression and individuality. State of the trade Fancy colour diamonds are especially appealing to a discerning audience because they come in a variety of colours, connotations and value. According to Paul Chieveley-Williams, founder of Diamwill, demand for fancy yellow diamonds has softened, save for larger stones of around 10 carats in vivid colours, which are harder to come by. | Bernardette Sto. Domingo 杜明高 | Fancy colour diamonds are taking pride of place in the luxury jewellery industry, buoyed by heightened consumer awareness and buyers’ relentless quest for style versatility and enduring sophistication. 彩色钻石在高级珠宝行业中岿然不动,全賴消费者的意识 日渐提高,并对绚丽多彩的款式和精致细腻的瑰宝有不懈的追求。 The age of fancy colour diamonds 彩色钻石新时代 Fancy intense yellow diamond necklace by Scarselli; rings with pink and green diamond, and pink diamond by Leibish; and fancy intense blue-green diamond by Arihant Star (HK) Ltd Scarselli的浓彩黄钻项链;Leibish的粉红钻、绿钻戒指和粉红钻戒指;Arihant Star (HK) Ltd的浓 彩蓝绿色钻石